Bill Cara

Why universal healthcare is essential to make America great.

December 13, 2024

From X/Twitter today:

Google spent $80M studying effective teams.

Their shocking discovery?

Perks & ping-pong tables don’t matter.

Here’s what 10 years of their data says works…

The answer is that employees need to be provided with psychological safety.

Having employed 20-person teams in Georgia and Texas, I know they wanted and needed health insurance more than anything I, a Canadian investor, could provide. People worldwide in all economically advanced countries have it except in America. It’s called universal healthcare or, by another name, national health insurance. It’s essential because not all people work. Many are sick or retired, unemployed or children of the unemployed, and so on. That is the need for psychological safety, which I refer to.

There are common needs in society that all people understand, no matter how conservative they are like me. Here’s an example of somebody who does but refuses to acknowledge it. This morning, CNBC’s Joe Kernan continued his capitalist drumbeat in an interview with a Harvard professor, dismissing universal healthcare because he says he shouldn’t have to pay for other people’s needs. This is the same man who should be thanking the government for providing the roads he drives on to get to work and for his primary school education. Joe should think twice before he babbles.

Kernan was lucky to be born healthy and into a family that provided for almost all his needs, recognizing that the rest, like roads, schools, and security, must come from the taxpayer. Kernan knows that not everybody was born with a silver spoon and that many others lacking the resources to keep themselves healthy have, as a result, died or joined the millions of healthcare-related bankruptcies or have been less than optimally productive workers. And yet, day after day, he shills for Big Pharma and its networks of private-care doctors.

Americans need psychological safety more than anything to be more productive workers. Universal healthcare will provide that, for the same reason the government pays for roads and schools, which all taxpayers use and rely on.

Universal healthcare is a discussion we need to have.