Bill Cara

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Bill Cara

Short-seller Citron Capital and Andrew Left charged with stock fraud.

Interesting timing because yesterday I was thinking that we are in the long or short pump-and-dump season that precedes a late market Bull cycle crash. My thoughts were focused on the SEC budget and if there was sufficient funding to challenge the HB&B fraudsters — the ones who write glowing Buy reports on ultra-high P/E stocks their friends and families want to sell.

Let’s see what they can get done with the Andrew Left prosecution. Then hopefully they have the balls to go after HB&B and the popular newsletter writers. These reprobates all play the same game.

Bill Cara

PCE Price index indicates lower inflation.

Another positive for markets.

Bill Cara

The S&P 500 Bull run continues today.

But, Bloomberg TV has reported that of the approx. one-third of reporting companies this quarter so far, fifty-seven percent failed to meet or beat Wall Street. revenue forecasts. That’s the worst result in three or four years

Some, like Ford (F), have been terrible with EV sales and losses an absolute disaster. As Kaimu might say, the WEF greenwashing is turning red.

Last edited 13 hours ago by Bill Cara

The biotech run is starting


Look at the 6 month charts of EBS and SIGA… These are what I term ‘ disaster stocks ‘… what’s happening globally….?

Last edited 1 day ago by baz22

Throw Vxrt in there also


Is there an ETF you favor for these? Most the ones I looked at are mostly up 13-20% YTD so far.


Not really… with the nature of biotech I need quick entry and exiting… don’t use them

Last edited 1 day ago by baz22

Oh my. How humbling to read this. Thank you so much Bill. I have increased the discount for annual subscriptions for the Cara Community as a thank you. The link for 40% discount

It is $144 per yr. comes to 39 cents per day. I realize there are many choices for financial content and I would welcome anyone from this community!

Last edited 1 day ago by NYUGrad

Great list. Some are new to me. But I have been trading in and out of WPM. Mostly because I got in late. It has been a great performer outside of the actual physical prices. I will share out this list and credit you.


NQ closing in on 8 month support line…Squeeze those cheeks boys and hold on if you a bull. BOTS coming for ya…..


June 19th I said sell a little higher..Hopefully some of you are catching on…LOL


IMO, they have created a false sense of demand. The new models look like rebadged Toyotas….So What have they done lately. I heard supply chain issues for some parts is what most are claiming, but seems like a white rabbit to me…Maybe they see demand falling sharp soon…time will tell…


$dxy….20 years of dollar break outs up..Except for maybe one time that pesky 08….I would wait too confirm here that this is not another buying opp…Money printing says this thing is worth about .01 on the face, but that will happen very quickly some day as a black swan event. For now, wait for your sign to sell the greenies…This is not a time for hope it will, let it tell you it will. A flase break up with a solid sell would be ideal for me here..LOL

Bill Cara

Tesla (TSLA) is under the microscope today.

Tesla has reported disappointing EV revenues and the lowest profit margins In five years. Carbon credit sales are now the bulk of earnings. Analyst Sell recommendations have been popping up. What I find most interesting, however, is the investment vs speculation discussion underway today as more thought is being given to understanding the timing and value of Tesla’s driverless taxi, robotics, and energy business components. Rightly so, because the closer we get to a market bear, the more these intangibles will come under the microscope.

Last edited 2 days ago by Bill Cara

BTC is not a popular subject but the digital miner’s have been quite favorable for me… Will introduce a new miner whose revenues are more than Riot and CleanSpark, with far, far less debt, and more hash power… Share count is minimal


Agreed….have for years advocated hydrogen power for miners…when infrastructure is built out, costs could be manageable…also for use in massive data centers…* at the end of 2025 Riot will have the most projected’ hash power ‘ of any public traded digital miner…

Last edited 2 days ago by baz22

Miner BTC treasuries will rank in top 3 stats…. so until I can get a solid BTC production mined vs. BTC kept percentage, I will not invest in newer miners

Last edited 2 days ago by baz22
Bill Cara

Watching for bank deposit withdrawals.

As I noted a few days ago, the mortgage lending small banks are seemingly defying catastrophic CRE loan losses as investors are watching their growing share prices. My point was to be closely monitoring deposits instead of share prices.

Today, Barchart tweeted that banks in India have taken on $51.4 billion in short-term loans to cover for deposit withdrawals. Most often, band-aids do not work for long in critical injury circumstances.


For June, not a single line item in the Treasury’s monthly statement was larger than the $140 billion interest expense. It was larger than either the Social Security Administration ($129 billion), Department of Health and Human Services ($90 billion), Department of Education ($87 billion) or Department of Defense ($63 billion).


Republicans are anti-debt? Trump added 8.4 Trillion in his four-year term. I remember at the time, it was said that he added more than all of the previous Presidents combined.


I added to my stack of Canadian silver Maple Leafs; ordinarily I would buy gold but somehow 2500+ (including premium) bothers me.


Here are the stats on US Debt going back to Clinton.

One major issue that no other Presidents had to contend with during Trump years was the pandemic and during that time the Democrat Congress took advantage of the “crisis” as usual to jack up spending and therefore more debt. What was it Covid-19 Stimulus? All those PPP loans that the US Treasury lost $14bil. They’re still wasting huge amounts of taxpayer dollars policing the poorly executed spending Bill. No, none of the Presidents have the ability to be the sole debtor. Congress does most of it for them. Every US President submits a budget. Have you seen Biden’s 2025 Budget? Tax on unrealized gains! Anyone here want to live in that world?

Do the math its not $8.4tril, its $7.81tril. If you do the math for Obama it was $9.33tril over eight years. Bush over eight years was $4.9tril, half of what Obama did. Bush had the Iraq War and Obama had the HB&B War, but neither ever had to deal with a total shut down of the entire US economy to accommodate the Fauci fake covid science! Certain States decided to stay closed like California and New York and a few like Florida and Texas said no.

Here is the LINK for my numbers. Where is the $8.4tril link? Occupy Democrats memes on TikTok don’t count.

In the end gold and silver are insurance against stupid corrupt governments and their fiat currencies. Such physical assets need no electricity or internet to be viable alternatives to banana republics and hurricanes.


Ok, I am off by 0.6T. The proposed tax on unrealized cap gains is supposed to apply with individuals with net worth over $100M, that safely counts me out.