Bill Cara

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Damn interesting Alexx ( per your earlier post today )….. I have previously read on AD and Viagra…ANVS and SAVA have certainly gone head to head before !…

Last edited 8 hours ago by baz22

Yeah, supposedly Buntanentap an Viagra make a great combo 🙂 I like the company a lot. They are a bit short on cash but results look promising. I expect TO sooner or later at much higher prices than current 8-10 USD.

Last edited 8 hours ago by baz22

S&P 001


Can help but think Nvda is traded by the same bot as tsla was/IS..LOL

All parabolas end in the same place. They are impossible to really trade but when that bubble pops, look out.


SAVA — to watch in the next few weeks. One of their two Phase 3 Alzheimer’s trials is done and results will be released before end of 2024. Their drug has been in the making for almost two decades and they are on the last leg. Insiders own a healthy 12% Institutions own a healthy 30%. Short interest is a whopping 40%! They have only 48 million shares outstanding, an ideal setup for a short squeeze

RSI for RGTI is 74,for RKLB is 70, for IONQ is 78,For NVCT is 75 and for QBTS is 68, I usually wait until their RSI is around 30,

Last edited 21 hours ago by [email protected]

What makes RGTI special is their ‘ in-house ‘ foundry for chip production… We all know Nvidia depends on Taiwan


You need to remember – if you are waiting for RSI’s in the 30’s, the stock could very well be 30% higher at that point… 😎

Last edited 15 hours ago by baz22

yes, they are all up and RSI went higher today, I need to decide,Option I have for EDIT/FCEL/PLUG that expire in january 2026 are higher than what I paid, I have total of 250 contract, wish one of them will shine.


X – ** dave, see tonight’s post ( Monday ) at 8 pm…( per scale back into LUNR )… Good RKLB info

Last edited 8 hours ago by baz22

I got this from X Twitter, How much is it true?
SAVA-We are currently ramping up our active
pharmaceutical ingredient purchases, securing increased outsource manufacturing capacity and exploring distribution capabilities. We have to plan for Cassava’s successful transition from a development stage company to a commercial enterprise”


This is what SAVA does….. ** Protein misfolding and abnormal aggregation are common hallmarks of most age-related neurodegenerative diseases [2,3], including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and Huntington’s disease (HD), which are classified as protein-misfolding disorders (PMDs) [

My high school friend diagnose with ALS few year ago, it went worse fast, i took him to Expert at Massachusetts general hospital in boston few times, Medicine they prescribe him cost $400 copayment every month and has no effect, near end his family has to carry him like a child, he is no more, i show it all in front of my eye,, it is very scary, thinking about it make me depress, and wish no one get it.

Last edited 14 hours ago by [email protected]

I am so very sorry for your friend, his family and you….one day, a cure will happen

Last edited 14 hours ago by baz22

I bet on ANVS


Maria is a fighter, but earlier readouts put a damper on things for awhile.. however….. 😁

Last edited 8 hours ago by baz22

She is. There+s something about her that makes me trust her. Annovis is currently my biggest bet, followed by EDIT, IVVD, NEWP and VSTM. I sold all my SAVA in 30’s and currently have zero position in SAVA.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Alexx
Bill Cara

Gold futures are at another all-time high tonight. 2744.30

Compared to the Bull moves in many high-tech stocks, precious metals and the miners are just getting warmed up.

Remember, a hot Gold and Silver market is the end of the market party. I expect the music to stop in about 90 days.


Thank you Bill

I hope so, holdin SPY put strike 569 and QQQ put strike 485 which expires at end of november,$5000 is tied up, and i am under,I rarely buy this kind o put but listen to a friend, his speculation was correct but market kept going up now it can go sideway for a month also,
it going to be a exiting week in market???????????????

Last edited 21 hours ago by [email protected]
Karl Andersen

And they all hit the ball out of the park……(as an after thought)….Go Dodgers!!


I am very, very humbled, Bill..Thank you…..I will work on my choice of words in certain post’s… I’ve tried my best for 20 years .. Will continue to try and to stay positive, regardless… There’s always a trade out there – some good, some very good.. other’s that didn’t work out.. Never give up…But know when to sell…

Last edited 1 day ago by baz22

Turns out the Optimus robots were powered by autonomous Humans! Yay for humanity.

Tesla $TSLA


Interesting chart. Will Gold (precious metals) catch bitcoin? Will either catch or normalize with NVDA?

Green is NVDA
Black is $BTC
Blue is Gold

Last edited 2 days ago by NYUGrad

Excellent video on silver. I am preaching to the choir


AI Powered by Nuclear ● Hype?Uranium and AI. $OKLO $LTBR $LEU $SMR $UEC $NNE $URNM $VST $NRG $CEG


looking at RKLB,NVCT,MAXN,ALT,RGTI,QBTS AND IONG this weekend to see which are going to give me big bang for the buck, these are stock that were mention here . I sold call against SMMT so it got celled away, will have to buy again, this time will not write call against it,
Friday sold all of GGLL,MSFU,AMZZ,AAPU,TSLL but kept NVDL,Raise lots of cash in case get chance to buy if some correction happens
enjoy the weekend

Last edited 2 days ago by [email protected]

It seems insiders are selling some of these names.

Last edited 2 days ago by baz22

Previous filed trading plan ( fine print )…


Absolute ton of institutional buying in July and August, before the recent 1 for 100 split ( page 2 ) ..

Last edited 2 days ago by baz22

It gets tiring shoveling others bullshit
I don’t care if I get banned… After witnessing first hand the devastation in Western North Carolina, I’m done with polite banter…I don’t have the time or patience for lilly white fingers tapping a computer key in their comfy office smugly admiring their bullshit replies… I don’t give *** who you are or what you do… you’re Nothing in my world…nor do I want to be in yours…so write on and impress yourself even more…

Last edited 2 days ago by baz22

Apologies… Stressed… trying to stay focused


I have nothing against you baz22. RKLB Number of Shares Sold14,373,623 (3months) by insiders is approx. 9X more then shares bought by insiders. This information is the same link that you had posted (please check insider activity tab). If my interpretation is incorrect, please correct me.


Correct…but I do remember Moderna’s CEO and CMO selling hundreds of thousands ( millions ) of shares from the $ 20’s thru the $ 400’s and back down, with almost non-existent buying.. It was discussed thoroughly here, .. ALT is in the very competitive Field of obesity… however, as good as their results are ( especially lean muscle mass loss ) I believe they have real value in their M.A.S..H ( NASH ) clinicals….with everything time will tell… Apologies for my choice of words..

Last edited 1 day ago by baz22

bazz22: I’m guessing I speak for alot of quiet people on this website, but I hope you do not leave this site. I’m basically all in on precious metals and uranium and have been for 25 years. I completely enjoy your research into other areas outside my small world. That being said, I have recently bought quite a few shares of EDIT and MAXN. Sometimes it is nice to hear a thank you for all your research. Long over due from me. Thanks again.


Thank you…it’s very appreciated….*** The mini-reactor phenomenon will pass ( especially when the Real questions arise ), but they will shine a light on the need for more alternative power supplies ( MAXN panels )…..on a personal note, I prefer the term ‘ power supplies ‘ vs. ‘ fuel supplies ‘.. ‘ U 235 ‘ has a 700 million year half-life

Last edited 1 day ago by baz22

Arqit Quantum Inc. (NASDAQ:ARQQ) is a Cayman Islands domiciled, London headquartered cybersecurity concern focused on the marketing of its symmetric key agreement technology, which is designed to ward off an attack from quantum computers. The company’s offerings are provided directly through enterprise licenses to (mostly) government and defense contractors, and more recently through channel partners. Arqit was formed in 2017 and went public in 2021 when it reverse merged into special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) Centricus Acquisition Corp. with its first trade post-merger transacted at $14.01 a share. Its stock trades just under buck a share, translating to an approximate market cap of approximately $120 million.
The company operates on a fiscal year (FY) ending September 30th.
Arqit TechnologyArqit’s raison d’etre is a solution to a multi-decade problem in encryption. Backing up a bit, encryption systems work by scrambling data with the aid of a mathematical algorithm that transforms the data into code. Symmetric encryption employs the same key – a set of random numbers usually 128, 192, or 256 digits long – to encrypt and decrypt data. The key is sent to the sender and receiver of data. Given the truly remarkable size of the random number set involved, advanced encryption {AE} keys are computationally secure and impervious to brute force attacks.
However, there has never been a secure method to create and distribute symmetric keys electronically at mass market scale. The current solution is known as public key infrastructure (PKI), which involves two parties sharing the performance of a calculation that a bad actor using a non-quantum computer can’t solve {HACK} in a practical amount of time. However, this method, because it involves calculations, is vulnerable to attack by quantum computing, with its quasi-infinite calculating ability. As such, making the mathematics behind PKI more difficult is ultimately a futile approach. The only answer is finding a secure method of symmetric encryption key creation and distribution.
Enter Arqit. The company has developed an elegant workaround to the transfer of encryption keys by creating them at the endpoints, meaning the keys cannot be intercepted during delivery. Without getting too into the weeds, the company can deliver replicated entropy (identical sets of random numbers) to data centers hosting its Arqit QuantumCloud system. End point devices that download Arqit’s software agent securely authenticate into QuantumCloud at different data centers, which then moderates a key agreement process by sharing cryptographic information with the end points, allowing them to create a shared symmetric encryption key. The keys can be used inside an AE256 or another symmetric algorithm, engendering easy implementation.
Furthermore, the company’s platform-as-a-service initially required the orbit of quantum satellites and associated ground infrastructure, but owing to software innovation, it can now provide its encryption services terrestrially, somewhat transforming itself from a quantum encryption to a symmetric key agreement concern.
Partly due to its replicated entropy and software agent innovations, Arqit pivoted its business model from selling enterprise licenses to government and defense contractors (amongst others) to securing distribution through channel partners, such as Fortinet (FTNT), Dell (DELL), and Amazon’s (AMZN) AWS, amongst others


I know who made money and who didn’t.. ** Thanks for helping out dave.raj….like I said, it’s easy to be an armchair quarterback and stay on the sidelines and not in the game…if someone is shorting or buying puts against my picks,, let’s hear about it and why.. Yes, I read their info..but info and attacks are two different things… Such ‘ Woke ‘ bullshit…So keep your friends close, keep your ‘ detractors ‘ closer… You screw with my money you’re damn sure no friend of mine…
to me, they’re just pissing in the wind…..
Just so ‘ you ‘ know where you stand

Last edited 2 days ago by baz22

Latest Holdings, Performance, AUM (from 13F, 13D)
Lockheed Martin Corp’s top holding’s…

Last edited 1 day ago by baz22

$SLV should have wind in sails to 35 and possibly even 41.


Mohamed El-Erian commenting on gold; when a widely-followed mainstream economist starts talking about it, I’d say something’s changed in the market.

Lst time i sold PAAS was in January 8 2021 at $35.20, we have long way to go for pass to reach there, I am buying six month down call on it today, buying stock will tied too much money for me

Bill Cara

Gold futures hit 2729.30 all-time high today.

The US market is not yet involved in a major way. I look to Silver as the leading indicator of public recognition of precious metals bullishness. That might not happen until Silver futures (32.305) reach 35-40. The Gold price at that point will likely have reached 3000.


Gold is now trading over 2,700/oz.

$2,000 for the longest time has been a tough resistance mark and this year we blew way past it and then some. 3,000 on deck?
Gold is flying off the shelves at Costco
Silver next??

Last edited 4 days ago by [email protected]
Bill Cara

Gold futures took off to a higher level around 8 pm ET tonight.

As long as major central banks cut rates, Gold is only going higher.

Bill Cara

Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM) has monster day to lead the Cara 100.

Uranium Energy Corp (UEC), which had been #2 best performer a day earlier, was #2 again today.


Sabine Hossenfelder, physicist and scientific communicator, throws cold water on the widespread and near-term proliferation of quantum computing.

Good counter-point to the eupohoria and environment of easy money we have experienced in recent times.


The last time I posted quantum ( qbts and rgti ) they posted 100% and 75% gains in three months… Perhaps I’m mistaken… I thought this was a traders site, not an educated bashers site…** and you were equally negative the last time… I will take time to carefully review any of your picks ( which are rare or never )…. At least I put my trades on the table for all to see
I’m trying to be nice but you take delight in bashing my trades, which is Real Money…. You have nothing on the line so it’s easy to do…there are Plenty of other sites where I don’t have to view this kind of bs… I’m Done here…
Bill, it’s been a pleasure…

Last edited 4 days ago by baz22

Curiosity lead me to a Lecture at MIT about quantum computing, it was by a professor in physics and i was lucky to get in in evening, there are plenty of article and lecture available at MIT and Harvard university webs by nobel prize winner , US government is pending billions so does private US company and all leading US university has lab about quantum computing,
In 2022 china spend $12 bilious, USA spend 1.9 Billion, the EU invested $7.2 Billion, billion,and so on in field of quantum computing
all info available on web

Last edited 3 days ago by [email protected]
Last edited 3 days ago by baz22
Bill Cara

Gold futures new high. 2712.40


Rgti, qbts


Guessing it’s come down to gold, chips and medical marvels and uranium

Last edited 4 days ago by baz22

i do follow technology related to  quantum computers and the superconducting quantum processors. China is way ahead, they send satellite that communicates using quantum, which is impossible to penetrate, we are way behind. they are the stock of future but may have to hold it for over 5 years and it possible these stock may not deliver but other that are not out there may deliver, i like space-x but it is a private company


Good stuff
My alternative to Space X is RKLB with their ‘ Neutron ‘ engine/rocket ‘ Archimedes ‘…

Last edited 4 days ago by baz22

The demand for uranium is driven by the need for fuel to power nuclear reactors. There are currently around 440 reactors worldwide, with a combined capacity of around 390 GWe. These reactors require around 80,000 tonnes of uranium oxide concentrate each year, which contains around 67,500 tonnes of uranium.

Thanks, will look at it, I believe If i that invested in all the company started by Musk would made me a millionaire, and ignore market and all other stock

it went public in August 24, 2021 open at 11.30 through  SPAC merger., I lost lots of money in 2021 in a company that went public through SPAC merger. instead of having regular IPO , still at 10.77 today RKLB is holding it price unlike others which went under $1

Last edited 4 days ago by [email protected]
Last edited 4 days ago by baz22

Not a fit for goldbug’s Jr portfolio; had been low on Cash (C$46K) although I see they just did a financing at 5 cents Canadian; 274M shares out already; low-grade open-pit, Mexico. (personally I think the open-pit so-called “ban” is overblown news). Yes, AEM and Alamos operate gold mines in Mexico but I’m more inclined towards silver there. Mkt Cap is 12M US.


NQ …..A little Crayon drawing…Each new high is a little less efficient….Ruh Roh…Need the bots to get it together if ur bullish…the bouncing ball is losing the fight……Risk vs reward at these nose bleed levels…the falls will be fast….Plan accordingly…


I am sure you have seen this chart. $NVDA mkt cap is equal to 11% of US GDP.


so, what that means for todays market?


New highs every day